Minggu, 29 Maret 2015


Strategies and techniques to answer questions listening:
1.      Try to understand the contents of the conversation with:
a) What are the key words
b) What is the topic
c) What is the main idea
d) What is the name of people who speak
e) What profession
f) Where the incident took place
g) What is the speaker
h) What is the response of the speakers opposed
2.       Try to guess where Jawaan most appropriate. If you still can not find the answer, you still have to choose your answer. You should not get hung up on the word phrase that you yourself do not know what that means. Try to guess the point because your time is very short.
3.      To prepare a long conversation blank paper which serves to record important information that may be asked.
4.      When the narrator before reciting the conversation, consider what the theme will be sung.
5.      Read the first choice narrator answers before starting a conversation.
6.      Understand the instruction about what was read by the narrator
7.      Set the time
8.       Focus on last line: because at last conversation of each percakaan usually contains information reply.
example :
Anda mendengar :
Man       : let’s go to the dance at the student center on Saturday.
Woman : sounds great, but I’m going to a lecture. Thanks for asking me though.
Narrator: what does the woman imply?

Pada lembar soal tertulis:
A.      She is not interested in the man
B.      She does not like lectures
C.      She would go out with the man on another occasion
D.      She would rather stay at home
Jawaban :  C

9.      Taking into account the type of sentence "passive or active 
10.  Taking into account the negative expression diungkapka 
11.  Noting ugkapan indicating approval
12.  Noting phrase stating uncertainty
13.  Noting phrase stating suggestions
14.  Noting that phrase expresses some surprise
15.   Noting phrase stating Desire
16.  Noting the sentence modality
17.  Taking into account the specific phrase used
18.  Choose the answer that is synonymous
example :
you hear :
Woman                : why is lane feeling so happy?
Man                     : she just started working in a real estate agency.
Narrator               : what does the man say about lane?

Pada lembar soal ditulis:
A.      She always liked her work in real estate
B.      She began a new job
C.      Ahe just bought some real estate
D.      She bought a real estate agency
answer : B

19.   Avoid the "sound" with keywords
you hear :
Woman                : why couldn’t shane come with us?
Man                     : he was searching for new a apartment
Narrator               : what does the man say about shane?

Pada lembar soal tertulis:
A.      He was working in the department office
B.      He was looking for a place to live
C.      He was doing his research project
D.      He had an appointment at church
answer : C

20.   Make conclusions about "what, who, where"
you hear:
Man                     : can you tell me what assignment I missed when I was absent from your class?
Woman                : you missed one homework assignment and a quiz
Narrator               : who is the woman?

Pada lembar soal tertulis :
A.      A magazine editor
B.      A post office officer
C.      A teacher
D.      A student
answer : C

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